Interviews of JEE Toppers
Vipul Singh
( AIR 5 in JEE 2010, AIEEE Rank 1)

1. Accuracy takes the front seat in JEE new pattern as examiner is not going to see your approach but is only going to see your final answer.
2. The primary emphasis is on depth of knowledge,
analytical and comprehension skills and attitude.
3. If you are a class 11’th/12’th student, try to synergise your school study with the JEE study. While doing a new topic, always do it first from your school textbook followed by higher level books.
4. Even if JEE paper does become a bit easier, it may be good idea to prepare according to a tough paper. By following this approach, you can take care of both the tough and the relatively simple paper.
5. The method of preparation is changed a bit. Now apart from in-depth knowledge of the subject you need to be familiar with new types of questions that are designed to replace the requirement of subjective test. In this scenario, it would be wise to expose yourself to new types of questions.
6. Part-marking is no longer there. Hence writing all steps may be a waste of time. However the schooling system may require you to write all the steps. Hence, you will have to adopt different approaches for both the exams.
7. Self Study Plan: School Students: A student going to the school should follow the 4/10 plan, that is self-study for at least 4 hrs. on school days and at least 10 hrs. on holidays. There must be a 7 day or 10 day revision plan as well. 12’th Pass Students: A student not going to the school should follow the 10 hrs. plan, that is self-study for at least 10 hrs. everyday. There must be a 7 day or 10 day revision plan as well.
8. It is more important to do a question completely rather than trying to do more half-done questions.
9. JEE 2006 aspirants need to put themselves under test conditions once a week to get accustomed. Note that too much of test taking does not help. Only a deep understanding and other personal attributes can get you through JEE and not blind test taking. The frequency of test taking may be less for JEE 2007 aspirants in class 11’th but needs to be higher when they reach class 12’th.
10. Do approximations in calculations keeping an eye on the error.
11. It may be a good idea to solve some puzzles in your spare time.
12. In objective type of questions, method of elimination of options may work to your advantage in many questions. Using dimensional analysis, putting boundary conditions, putting values of variables, working backwards and many more techniques may work in such scenario.
When should one start preparing?
Ideally, one should begin as soon as the 11th standard begins. For ICSE/CBSE students, few chapters in the IIT syllabus have already been covered at the school level.
Worst Case Scenario ? One may consider beginning fresh 6-8 months into 11th standard. You must be prepared to put in incessant, hard work for the next one and a half years. The earlier you begin, the more stress-free and comfortable you feel at the later stages.
How do I choose the correct coaching institute?
This is the career determining decision, and it is critical to choose the correct institute. Improper teaching confuses students and creates doubts.
Before joining an institute consider:
1. How old is the institute?
2. How many students have cleared the IIT-JEE in the recent past?
Ideally 40-50 is good. Also observe how may top rankers have they produced
3. How experienced is their faculty?
Senior professors communicate capably and explain nicely. However, they may be commercial. Young professors are dedicated but lack in-depth knowledge of concepts and student familiarity. A healthy student-teacher rapport is imperative.
4. What is the quality (difficulty level etc.) of their study material and problem files?
Uninterested institutes usually replicate sums from popular-market texts without any effort on their part. Hence, no variety in sums; also, the material is useless if you have the book yourself.
5. What is the frequency of their tests?
Preferably, one screening and mains each in a month is good. The habit of giving tests must be inculcated and cultivated ad infinitum which prepares the student from unnecessary tensions and anxieties on the big day!
6. When do they intend completing the syllabus?
Usually, 5-7 months before IIT-JEE Screening is just right. Lots of time must be kept for revision, mock tests and difficulty solving sessions. Late completion, usually make students uncomfortable especially with 12th boards fast approaching.
7. Fees I suppose should not be a problem. Don?t hesitate to invest a little extra for a good coaching institute because that?s what counts in the long run.
8. Beware of deceptive gimmicks. Corroborate by contacting present students in that institute.
Which books should I use?
There are infinite books available in the market. No book has all the concepts required for IIT-JEE in one package.
Physics: -
1. Fundamentals Of Physics ? Resnick, Halliday, Walker
Excellent book for preliminary understanding and concept application. Entirely narrative and interactive, this book is well liked among all aspirants.
2. Concepts Of Physics ? HC Verma
Concise, lucid and well-structured book. Good to begin problem solving, although it is of quite elementary level.
3. Problems In Physics ? IE Irodov
Tough problems is its forte. One must complete elementary Calculus to attempt problems from this book effectively. Students usually get the hang of this book in the 12th.
Chemistry: -
1. IIT Chemistry ? OP Aggarwal
Comprehensive, eloquent and its problems make this book a must for every candidate.
2. Organic Chemistry ? Morrison & Boyd
Probably, the best book available for IIT-JEE preparation available. Then again, selective reading of this ?Mahabharata? is decisive.
Maths: -
1. IIT Mathematics ? ML Khanna or Dasgupta
Great collection of problems. Maths is all about practice, and these books don?t disappoint.
2. Trigonometry / Co-Ordinate Geometry ? SL Loney
Concepts handled really well. Step-by-step approach is its strong suit.
3. Problems in Calculus in One Variable ? IA Maron
Not very impressive, but its lucid presentation, and tough problems make this book worth using. Remember, Calculus mastery is what will make you an IITian.
Are Correspondence Courses necessary?
FIITJEE and Brilliant Tutorials study material is not as impressive as a pure concepts textbook. They are good for extra practice. Basically, I consider them to be revision notes and coneept capsules, which are not to be used as the first line of attack for concepts. However, national level test series? are quite useful as they are the ultimate indicators of what your position is in the country.
Science Magazines like P,C,M today, Junior Science Refresher are excellent for new types of problems and considered a must for reference.
How do I prepare?
Don?t read books like novels or newspapers. A pencil in hand underlining keywords and new formulae is a must. The same chapter must be read over and over again (even 10 times) until the concepts are embedded into your brain. Casual reading amounts to not reading it at all, because you will forget practically everything in a week?s time.
It is very important to make things count at the groundwork and fundamentals, because a year later, it?s a fight for time. Attempt simple problems first. A good start is the school/college textbook. Once, mastery is captured on the basics, and then you should consider solving higher-level problems.
Never look at solved solutions until your completely unsure on how to go about the problem. Even a slight hunch on the approach may be enough to solve the problem, and you must be patient and constantly keep pondering till the flash strikes you.
Revision, say once every fortnight, is of fundamental importance. A brief reminder can bring back volumes of information that was rotting at the back of your head for a week or so.
Keep in touch with your lecturer constantly. Get your doubts cleared as and when you have them. Hanging on to misunderstandings may prove disastrous if the same concept is used in another chapter.
Only when you are completely familiar with a topic and have attempted all the available problems, must you consider taking a test. Tests are an important gauge. Bad marks in tests reflect imperfections or incomplete preparation. Remember, bad marks mean you have not prepared and do not reflect on your aptitude to solve problems. Even scholars and prodigies will not clear IIT-JEE if they don?t put in rawhard work. Genius is the ability to take pains.
How do I handle temperament?(Miscellaneous)
Nervousness is the single most influential aspect that can create a world of problems. Whenever you feel nervous, remember that all your competitors are feeling it too and that it?s perfectly normal.
Low scores in exams must be perceived positively. You now realize that I must start again more intelligently and stress on the concepts better. In the early part of your preparation, even getting 2-3 out of 10 problems correct is a good start. Never consider yourself mediocre because someone else in your class, or your friend is getting better marks and understanding better. It may be that he/she is doing something that you are not.
Time Management will allow you to study the requisite amount, sleep (7-8 hours is a must), commit to college and classes, as well as give you the odd occasion to go for movies and relax. Studying is first priority. Movies and dating will not get you into IIT. Avoid phone calls. Talking also consumes a lot of usable energy. Control TV time to maximum an hour a day. Relax by walking, listening to music or anything that does not stress your eyes or your brain. Physical exercise is fine.
Other factors like family support; everlasting resolve, teachers? guidance and emphasis on concepts also play a key role ultimately for yourselection. ... 233-1.html
Hello friends,
I am in X standard and am preparing for IIT. I will share my experiences at Achievers Academy, in Bombay, (Chembur, dadar, nerul) which I have joined from IXth itself. The class
is run by an IITian, who has over 20 years of teaching experience.
Before joining the class, all students were told the methodology which the academy will use to prepare them for the IIT-JEE. They also shared some tips which are given below :
* At the start of IX, we have about 48 months left, which is just about 15000 hours using abt 10 hours a day. This time has to be optimized very well to extract the best results.
* Those who start after X have a tough time, since they have to adjust for college in XI , and then study for XII etc
* Hence, start early, target practice of atleast 1.5 hours every day in IX and X.
* Solve as many different variety of problems, both objective and written type. Question banks with more than 30000 problems will be provided by the class.
* Take frequent tests and ensure that whatever are the weak areas are covered quickly and in depth. Interact with other students and solve each others problems, that will help in better understanding.
* Always solve each problem by clearly writing down what is given, what is required, what are the possible options and finally solving it.
* Systematic and daily practice is a must, sporadic problem solving will not be rewarded.
In the class, each topic was covered in depth, examples from real life were included, connections between maths, physics and chemistry were explained, 1000s of problems are given for practice. I solved all of them. Till 8th, i was mediocre in maths and science, now i help my teacher in solving Group D problems as well.
From XI, we will be spending 3-4 hours a day, everyday for furthur practice.
Since our problem solving and analytical abilities have developed considerably, we find the going for X very easy. We have students from SSC, CBSE and ICSE boards and healthy competition between us have improved our ablities furthur. We are even able to solve problems from XI papers easily.
All in all, it has been a wonderful experience and very good for my board exams as well. Anybody who wants to know furthur can write to me here.
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Joint Entrance Examination
How to prepare for it..........
The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) which is annually organised by the seven Indian Institutes of Technology
(IITs)(Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee) is considered as one of the most fiercest competitive examination in India, and the toughest one at the school level, with a success rate of about 2% ( only 3500 candidates out of 1.5 Lakhs get through). This essay, however tries to make this competitive exam look far easier than the way you think it is.
The Statistics.................
Although JEE is written by about 1.5 Lakh of candidates, it can be easily comprehended that the majority of them ( about 60%) are not having a preparation that can make it to the IITs. Most of them dream of getting into IITs as soon as they complete there class X board examinations, buy a hell lot of study materials ( thereby making the various coaching centres all over the country rich and increasing the GDP), and instead of studying, continue to dream for the next 2 years and in the end wait for a miracle to happen and finally fail to qualify even the screening test ( it is expected that those who are reading this report are well acquainted with the JEE format, if not check any IIT site for it).
Out of the remaining 60000 candidates, 40 thousand guys ( and ofcourse girls) who write the JEE, try hard for the exam but in the end cannot reach the desired level of JEE understanding because of they lack one of the following two, viz merit or hardwork.
The final 20000 candidates are actually the real competitors for JEE. This people work hard through out the two years and write the JEE with full confidence.
Clearing the Screening Test...............
Hence it can be well understood that the JEE Screening Test has a success percentage of 75% ( 15000 out of 20000) and your first target is to be among this top 75%. However, keep in mind that screening test is only the first hurdle. For JEE Screening Test keep the following in mind :
It is common among all the students to practice an enormous quantity of multiple choice questions (mcqs) throughout the year. This is however a wrong way to do it. This is because, the mcqs that are present in most of the study materials and magazines do not reflect the exact nature of mcqs that appear in the Screening Paper.
Hence this mcq helps a student in no way. Your first job will be to keep away from this practice. JEE Screening test demands clarity of each and every concept. Hence, from the beginning of the year, try to assimilate the theory of each and every chapter given in the JEE syllabus ( JEE syllabus is available at or or at JEE sites at other IITs). One month before the screening test, get hold of each and every formula you know, so that if you are not clear with the concept you can still reach the answer with a derived formula. Also get hold of a few good practice screening papers (old JEE papers can be a good choice) and attempt those tests in strict examination conditions* keeping time. This actually helps you simulate the JEE Screening Test and helps you learn the aspects of time management.
During my study for JEE, I came across the test papers of two coaching centres which i felt are ideal for JEE. Since it is not wise to quote their name here, you can mail me.
The final hurdle ? Main Examination................
About one month after the screening test comes the JEE Main Examination, where all the 15000 candidates selected in JEE Screening Tests fight with their maximum power. Hence this is the ultimate challenge. The key to success in JEE Mains is extensive practice of subjective problems. You will have to excel your self at pattern recognition along with developing the concepts. Between the Screening and Mains, practice lots of subjective problems available in the books. Time management is also important. If you have not subscribed for any test series programme (and even if you have done so) you must practice a lot of test papers at home simulating the JEE day. In the end of the report I have provided a list of books which I myself consider important for JEE preparation. You are advised to practice problems from these books. Please donot go in for absurd problems as they are never asked in JEE. Also JEE problems do not require a 3 page long solution, so if you are next to recreating the Mahabharata, you can surely guess that your solution is wrong.
JEE mains nowadays give limited place for working out the solutions ( 1 page for 2 marks and 2 page for 4 marks questions). Hence work on this aspects of space management.
Books required for JEE preparation..........
The most important book required for JEE is your board books, as if you are not conversant with the theory you stand no chance. After practicing the problems from your board books, move on to the next level. For some books the names of the authors are mentioned.
Standard JEE books (contains questions similar to JEE standards ? do all the problems)
Physics : Concepts of Physics (Part 1 and 2)
Chemistry : P. Bahadur(Physical Chemistry) , R.K.Gupta(Organic and Inorganic)
Mathematics : IIT Plus Mathematics ? A.Dasgupta.
Advanced JEE books (questions are a bit higher than JEE standards - do selected problems ? take help of your mentor/teacher)
Physics : Problems in General Physics ? I.E.Irodov.
Chemistry : IIT Chemistry - Tata McGraw Hill.
Mathematics : Complete Course IIT Mathematics - Tata McGraw Hill.
For theory you can go through Resnick-Halliday in Physics, Morrison-Boyd in Organic Chemistry, and O.P.Tandon in Inorganic Chemistry.
The changing trend in JEE.....................
From the year 2002, a changing pattern of JEE can be observed. JEE papers which was once dreaded as the toughest papers set in school level, consisting of incomprehendable questions, is seeming to undergoing some reform as the level of the questions has been simplified. Questions now demand only basic concepts and no problems require extended B.Sc. Level knowledge. JEE can be now cleared by studying school level books. It is extremely encouraging that IITs have finally understood the way JEE has changed the way of school studies and are in a way of reforming it.
Numero Uno-
First and foremost U need to be motivated. Forced hard-work might work in Xth & XIIth but surely not in IIT-JEE. How to get motivated? Find Ur mantra Urself - I for one read IIT-JEE reviews on Mouthshut every week to get pumped up (sounds silly? isn’t). U may talk to studious friends or teachers or parents, whatever works for U is just fine.
Read the standard recommended books but make sure U don’t get into too many books simultaneously. Be a touch selective here.
Plan Ur studies - easier said than done. Make daily and weekly targets according to Ur plan as to when U want to complete the course material and start doing mock papers. Ideally leave 3-4 months for paper solving.
Miscellaneous points-
+ Be absolutely thorough with concepts. Don’t move forward unless U feel U’ve got it perfectly right. Take help in this regard from teachers.
+ Solve lots (and I mean LOTS) of papers in exam conditions. A lot of aspirants don’t find this important and then face problems like leaving solvable (by them) questions and unfamiliarity with the pattern.
+ Don’t neglect Ur strengths. Work on Ur weaknesses alright but prepare some topics in each subject so well that U can solve almost any question from them.
+ Revision is indispensable, considering the large syllabus. Make sure U revise every topic sufficiently.
Controversial topic this. I personally am not taking coaching apart from Brilliant’s correspondence course ( but that’s more of a compulsion than a choice as there’s no good coaching centre anywhere near I live). I belive If U have access to a good institute, then do go in for coaching but many aspirants succeed without coaching as well. But, It requires meticulous planning and a hell lot of hard work.
Trend of JEE-
JEE is surely changing - Physics is getting a touch easier and maths tougher. This is easy to notice in last few years’ papers. And yes, Mechanics is no longer half the physics paper. Give special attention to important topics like Calculus, Co-Ordinate Geometry, Organic Chem., Modern Physics etc.
Forget TV, Cricket, Hanging out etc. until the paper. Trust me, It’s worth it. Have faith in U’rself. Negative thoughts will cross Ur mind but don’t heed to them. And yes-
are getting simpler, still why do 12,000 people fail every year. Also those 12,000 could had solved most of the questions at home but the fact remains that they couldn’t helped themselves on the D-day. Here, I will try to enlighten some of the points which may help you not to be in that pity 12,000 lot . Good luck.
The foremost important thing that you have to do is to visualize how it feels after you are across the jee hurdle. Think , how your family will react hearing that their son has been qualified in the world’s most difficult entrance. Imagine, you will be the icon for most of the students in your relatives and neighbours. Everybody will praise you. Your success depends on this very exam, so you ought to work your as* for this.
But there is other side of the coin.Some students may feel pressurized and burdened by thinking all these crap. So, for those I would just say that IIT is nothing but a mere building of stones , in which some damn profs are eager to harass the students. Tell me how many successful IITians do you know? Or how many successful people are iitians.A little rumination isn’t going to help you. IIT is not a heaven , not at all.
This is a kind of phase that occurs in everybody life and you are no exception.
But,you have to give jee because you really don’t have any other option.Your parents, teachers,neighbours, the entire society and maybe somewhere down the line you yourself wants to be in IIT , but who the hell cares if I couldn’t make it. There’s nothing to lose. The juice is worth the squeeze, so it’s better to choose the easier road ie to prepare without thinking too much what IIT and its success is all about. And if I am giving it a try then why not whole heartedly?
Many students are often confused of setting up their priorities.
One simple exercise to set up your own priorities is to ask just a simple question ’’ Is it going me to land in IIT”’’ or “Which of these two things will help me getting closer to IIT?” You will wonder that how such a simple question works and you will yourself do the important topics first than anything else.
Now let me tackle the parents issue. These are the species who can stimulate you or even have worse effects on you. So, I would advice not to take your parent’s comments seriously ( please don’t take me wrong).I mean our parents love us and they want our success. But sometimes they say some things which really disturbs us(BETA PAD LE, NAHIN TO IIT NAHI HOGI or your mom to your neighbour IIT ME JANA TO BAHUT HI MUSHKIL HAI, 2 LAAKH ME SE 2-3 HAZAAR LOG HI JAATE HAIN, neighbour-PHIR TO IIT ME JAANA PAHAD CHADNE KE SAMAN HAI)
What I am trying to say is that, actually your parents are proud of the fact that you are preparing for the jee , but they worry about your failure. They unintentionally create a doubt in your mind and it acts as a poison. And some other parents praise their child in front of everybody.You might develop a sort of complacent feeling about yourself by hearing all these things. So, it’s better to hear and let it pass from the other side, atleast about studies for these two years. I hope you understand me.
I know that many people will think that I am trying to delude this point upon them. But I can’t help myself saying this. Well, I think that you should better stay quite. You shouldn’t discuss (questions and related things) too much with your friends.(Yaar yahan koi ek dusre ki baat sunne ko tyaar nahi hai).Tell me honestly,that when you explain something to your friend (or your friend to u), you both are trying to show that you knows the best.(your friend to u--- tujhe itni chhoti si cheese bhi nahi pata).
The real effect of doing so is that both of you are harming each other.This creates insecurity and dissatisfaction in you.You may begin to think that your friend knows better than you and you have to mend your ways(or revise the topic again).Indeed, I believe that you should talk something else (atleast not studies)with your friends(may be about fashion,,your hair cut, or girlfriends).Remember that you are going to gain nothing from discussions.(YOU KNOWS THE BEST).If you have a problem, try to figure it out yourself by trying it again and again or maybe ask the teacher or do the best thing….just leave it.
So, indeed solitude is a better thing to bet upon.
I would also like to state that there is nothing really big to worry about even if you have not done the syllabus well.Actually iitjee is half studies and remaining half “Temperament test”.So feel confident even if you haven’t done 20-30% syllabus(or say inorganic chemistry).But that doesnt mean that you have to try for 70%(I am now more concerned about the last time preparations ,say only 1 week is remaining).Actually You have to give your best on the actual day and that’s possible only if you are cool and are not nervous.
To choose questions in paper have a look at 3-4 Qs and ask yourself “which one is best to ensure your selection” A voice will come from inside and you will select the right question. Finally focus on one question at a time and don’t ever get discouraged if you are not able to do a question which you have solved previously at home.It happens in these kind of exams but the best part is, it happens with everybody.
In the initial period of 40 min(in 2 hrs of paper) if you survived(survival means that you selected right ones for yourself) then in the last half an hour or so you will feel immense energy and you can even solve a few difficult questions
Take one example:-you may have given any mock test.Now think seriously, how many marks you could have scored, if you would have done only the easy questions from the topics you know and wouldn’t have wasted your valuable time and energy on the so called vague Qs.
There are some Qs which nobody can solve in exam(I mean in EXAM) You can yourself see by looking the previous year’s papers.(especially chemistry).If you are not able to solve such few ques, then please don’t think that you are not prepared with the topic,actually you are having no problem but the problem is with the question itself. So, be careful and have confidence in yourself.
CONCLUSION---- Nobody in this world knows that what is right or wrong for you, no one can make a success plan for you, I mean JUST NOBODY IS GOING TO HELP YOU, instead of one person that is right now sitting in front of this computer finding out ways to succeed in iitjee, right it’s YOU my friend.
Now think who can do better---
a friend of you who have done 90% syllabus but worry about remaining 10% (yaar mene matrices achhi tarah nahin kiya,pata nahin ac circuit kya Q kaise hoga, inorganic yaad nahin ki)and on the exam day trying to do all of the paper(i mean attempting) do a lot of silly mistakes(beware ….. there are no silly mistakes, they are just blunders)
You , who haven’t done any great things but take exam as a platform where you can show, who you are and do the questions from the topics you have done but CORRECTLY.
Think over this
Vipul Singh
( AIR 5 in JEE 2010, AIEEE Rank 1)
(Chhattisgarh) achieved two accolades this year -- he earned the first rank in AIEEE and the fifth rank in IIT-JEE. He shares with Nitin Jindal his journey to the top, his hopes, and plans for the upcoming International Physics Olympiad in Croatia, this month.
Congratulations. Which institution are you opting for?
Computer Science branch at IIT Mumbai because I'm interested in things like logic and programming, and also because I'll get a good recommendation for further studies from there. Another factor is that IIT Mumbai's computer science degree has a very good value in the market.
Computer Science branch at IIT Mumbai because I'm interested in things like logic and programming, and also because I'll get a good recommendation for further studies from there. Another factor is that IIT Mumbai's computer science degree has a very good value in the market.
So you plan to go for further studies after your engineering?
Yes, I plan to do my MS and PhD and get into research.
Now that the results are out are you enjoying the well-deserved break?
Not exactly. I am preparing for the International Physics Olympiad right now, which is being held from July 17-25 in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. 80 nations are participating, India is being represented by five students and I am one of them.
How were you selected?
I was selected by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science and Education, Mumbai. There are two national-level written rounds and the third was a camp held there. I cleared all three rounds and hence got this chance to represent India. At the camp, there were orientation lectures by professors from various colleges including IIT Kanpur and Guwahati. Then we had an experiment session and five tests; three experimental tests and two written theory tests.
Who inspired you? Who's your role model?
My parents have always guided me very well. They've always motivated me and inspired me a lot. There have been students earlier from Bhilai like Shashank Shekhar Dwivedi who secured AIR 1 in IIT-JEE 2003 and is currently studying in MIT Boston. Also there was Shariq Rizvi who secured IIT-JEE AIR 5 and is running his own company in the US. So from their experiences I knew it could be done.
How did you come to have so much clarity at such a young age?
I knew I had to go in this field and IIT was the best in this line. I was in class VI when Shashank topped IIT-JEE. My parents also knew about IIT well and told me about it. Then I participated in National Level Science and Mathematics Olympiad and I always secured a top 25 ranking. They told me that with such a good ranking I could get in the best IIT in the country, so I knew I had to go there.
When I was in class VII I had also participated in the India Child Genius Contest conducted by Mr Siddhartha Basu, I was the national semi-finalist and the East zone runner-up. I've been to many national-level quizzes after that and it gave me a lot of confidence when I won in these where participants were from all over the country.
So I knew I was amongst the top in the nation and knew I could do it!
When and how did you start your preparation for IIT-JEE?
In class VII and VIII. I was clear that IIT was my target. In class IX I started studying advanced topics, and joined a Brilliant Tutorials correspondence course. If there was any topic in the NCERT textbook, it was covered in the Brilliant course with higher concepts.
For example, if there was something about mechanics then it used to cover Newton's Laws, which are actually taught in class XI. So I had some idea of what was going to be taught in class XI, too.
What helped you score such a high rank? Was it coaching or long years of preparation?
I was very clear from the beginning that the main part was self-study. I joined FIITJEE because the course was integrated with the syllabus at school. Computers and English were taught to me by my school teachers whereas physics, chemistry and maths were only taught to me by my FIITJEE teachers.
So, I didn't have to study these subjects separately at school and run for tuitions in the evenings.
So you saved time. How was this worked out?
They had a tie-up with our school, MGM Bhilai, with such arrangement. It is optional for the students. Actually the fees for the same is Rs 2 lakh but I got a 100 per cent fee waiver since I stood second (all-India) in a written exam conducted by them in December of class X.
So you used to study only computers and English at school and PCM at FIITJEE?
No, I was taught PCM by FIITJEE teachers inside the school campus only. So I didn't have to waste my time running here and there in the evening and therefore I could spend a lot of time on self-study. From my self-study I used to gather all my doubts and discuss them with my teachers for hours at a stretch.
The FIITJEE teachers were very good at doubt clearance too.
Did you have any separate strategy for physics, chemistry and maths?
I would give equal weightage to each of the subjects, since the questions can be from any topic.
Any difference in your preparation for IIT-JEE and AIEEE?
Actually I didn't prepare for AIEEE separately, just prepared for IIT-JEE throughout. There were some additional topics for AIEEE from maths and physics which I covered in the two weeks between IIT-JEE and AIEEE.
Is the level of questions the same for both exams?
The level is the same and also there are objective questions in both, but while in AIEEE all questions are "single-option correct questions", in IIT-JEE you have a variety like match the following, multi-correct questions, some numerical questions etc.
What was your course material?
Apart from FIITJEE's packages and Brilliant's packages, I used some books referred to by my teacher like Paula Bruice for organic chemistry in which I was weak. This I had discovered through the various national-level Olympiads I had participated in and also my exposure to organic chemistry in class X.
How did you overcome this weakness? Who helped you?
When my teacher was teaching physical chemistry, I approached him and told him my organic chemistry was weak, so he suggested I buy the book. I used to read it regularly when organic chemistry (instruction) started and discuss all my doubts with him. He helped me a lot by giving me extra papers and summaries on this topic.
Also, I was good at physics but used to score a bit less in the all-India test series in the subject. In the last 5 to 6 months, I came in touch with the HoD of physics at FIITJEE, South Delhi and we used to interact over the phone and e-mail. He helped me improve a lot in physics and now, I am representing India at the international level in physics, thanks largely to his efforts along with my own. I dedicated entire January 2010 to strengthening my physics.
What would you say is the mantra of your success?
Time management. Many students first go to school and study all the subjects there and then in the evening run to various teachers, typically two each for physics, chemistry and maths. For me, everything was during school hours, so I had a lot of time at home for self-study. Also I had only one teacher each for all subjects and they were all good.
You also went to Japan recently?
Yes I went to Japan in August 2009 to attend the Asian Science Camp where I got the opportunity to listen to 7 Nobel laureates. There was a contingent of 30 participants from India within which I was one of the 7 who had got scholarships from the Japan government for the tour. The rest 23 had been sponsored by the Indian government.
Any message you would like to give to IIT-JEE and AIEEE aspirants?
Focus on your topics and don't try to study from too many teachers. Try to gain exposure as it helps build your confidence.
2. Another interview from an IITian from the last millenium
I had prepared for IIT-JEE more than 10 years ago - but those anxious, tiring, depressing and exciting days are still fresh in my mind. I can confidently say that I did many right things about my JEE preparation,
but today I also know what I did wrong.
IIT-JEE is all about depth rather than breadth. The syllabus itself actually doesn’t extend anything beyond +2 levels. But what the JEE testers want the student to have is a complete feel for the subjects and some amount of Mathematical ingenuity.
Let me start with the coaching part. This is where I was really wrong. I was of the opinion that coaching is not required at all - it wasn’t really over-confidence on my part, but basically I did not like the way that coaching institutes operate (atleast during those days).
Coaching is essential - you may have a lot of talent and great grasping power, but direction and guidance from someone who understands the challenge is a must. Coaching centres typically have lectures everyday which repeat the same stuff that that is taught in school - this is what I don’t think is required if you are studying your +2 in a decent school/college. I believe a good JEE coaching institution serves the following purposes:
1. Giving direction - making sure the student is learning the right stuff with the required depth.
2. Clarifying doubts - Since the required understanding is deeper, the kind of questions that will arise are different from what would at school.
3. Giving assignments and other material - to help the student in his understanding.
4. Conducting model tests periodically so that the student gets a good feedback on his/her progress.
Having daily classes is not required - 3 sessions a week (one per subject) and one round of tests every 2-3 months is good enough.
They are going to be a very important part of your personal preparation. Choose good ones - not the ones that intend to prepare you for any examination. The ones I used 10 years back were:
The 2 volumes by Resnick and Halliday,
CBSE text books for XI and XII classes,
I.E. Irodov’s problems in physics.
O P Agarwal’s Organic Chemistry,
CBSE text books for XI and XII classes,
Sarin and Sarin for problems in Chemistry,
M.L Khanna’s IIT Mathematics.
Personal preparation:
This is going to be the most critical part. JEE preparation basically consists of putting every effort to understand the concepts - while attending classes at school, while attending your coaching sessions, while solving exercises and while reading your books.
Start your preparation early - atleast 18 months before the D-day. Chew the fundas slowly, giving them ample time to digest. Solve plenty of problems to re-inforce your understanding. Revise frequently. Take a day off every week. Apart from your coaching sessions, an average of 4 hours effort a day (for your reading and problem solving) should be sufficient.
The final 3 months are best left for revision, practice exams and relaxing.
JEE preparation shouldn’t be focussed just on the exam. Instead treat it like a genuine learning experience.
I had prepared for IIT-JEE more than 10 years ago - but those anxious, tiring, depressing and exciting days are still fresh in my mind. I can confidently say that I did many right things about my JEE preparation,
but today I also know what I did wrong.
IIT-JEE is all about depth rather than breadth. The syllabus itself actually doesn’t extend anything beyond +2 levels. But what the JEE testers want the student to have is a complete feel for the subjects and some amount of Mathematical ingenuity.
Let me start with the coaching part. This is where I was really wrong. I was of the opinion that coaching is not required at all - it wasn’t really over-confidence on my part, but basically I did not like the way that coaching institutes operate (atleast during those days).
Coaching is essential - you may have a lot of talent and great grasping power, but direction and guidance from someone who understands the challenge is a must. Coaching centres typically have lectures everyday which repeat the same stuff that that is taught in school - this is what I don’t think is required if you are studying your +2 in a decent school/college. I believe a good JEE coaching institution serves the following purposes:
1. Giving direction - making sure the student is learning the right stuff with the required depth.
2. Clarifying doubts - Since the required understanding is deeper, the kind of questions that will arise are different from what would at school.
3. Giving assignments and other material - to help the student in his understanding.
4. Conducting model tests periodically so that the student gets a good feedback on his/her progress.
Having daily classes is not required - 3 sessions a week (one per subject) and one round of tests every 2-3 months is good enough.
They are going to be a very important part of your personal preparation. Choose good ones - not the ones that intend to prepare you for any examination. The ones I used 10 years back were:
The 2 volumes by Resnick and Halliday,
CBSE text books for XI and XII classes,
I.E. Irodov’s problems in physics.
O P Agarwal’s Organic Chemistry,
CBSE text books for XI and XII classes,
Sarin and Sarin for problems in Chemistry,
M.L Khanna’s IIT Mathematics.
Personal preparation:
This is going to be the most critical part. JEE preparation basically consists of putting every effort to understand the concepts - while attending classes at school, while attending your coaching sessions, while solving exercises and while reading your books.
Start your preparation early - atleast 18 months before the D-day. Chew the fundas slowly, giving them ample time to digest. Solve plenty of problems to re-inforce your understanding. Revise frequently. Take a day off every week. Apart from your coaching sessions, an average of 4 hours effort a day (for your reading and problem solving) should be sufficient.
The final 3 months are best left for revision, practice exams and relaxing.
JEE preparation shouldn’t be focussed just on the exam. Instead treat it like a genuine learning experience.
12 tips for success in JEE - A nice compilation from some one. looks like he has gathered various points from different articles and prepared a nice compilation. anyways thanks to him too...
1. Accuracy takes the front seat in JEE new pattern as examiner is not going to see your approach but is only going to see your final answer.
2. The primary emphasis is on depth of knowledge,
analytical and comprehension skills and attitude.
3. If you are a class 11’th/12’th student, try to synergise your school study with the JEE study. While doing a new topic, always do it first from your school textbook followed by higher level books.
4. Even if JEE paper does become a bit easier, it may be good idea to prepare according to a tough paper. By following this approach, you can take care of both the tough and the relatively simple paper.
5. The method of preparation is changed a bit. Now apart from in-depth knowledge of the subject you need to be familiar with new types of questions that are designed to replace the requirement of subjective test. In this scenario, it would be wise to expose yourself to new types of questions.
6. Part-marking is no longer there. Hence writing all steps may be a waste of time. However the schooling system may require you to write all the steps. Hence, you will have to adopt different approaches for both the exams.
7. Self Study Plan: School Students: A student going to the school should follow the 4/10 plan, that is self-study for at least 4 hrs. on school days and at least 10 hrs. on holidays. There must be a 7 day or 10 day revision plan as well. 12’th Pass Students: A student not going to the school should follow the 10 hrs. plan, that is self-study for at least 10 hrs. everyday. There must be a 7 day or 10 day revision plan as well.
8. It is more important to do a question completely rather than trying to do more half-done questions.
9. JEE 2006 aspirants need to put themselves under test conditions once a week to get accustomed. Note that too much of test taking does not help. Only a deep understanding and other personal attributes can get you through JEE and not blind test taking. The frequency of test taking may be less for JEE 2007 aspirants in class 11’th but needs to be higher when they reach class 12’th.
10. Do approximations in calculations keeping an eye on the error.
11. It may be a good idea to solve some puzzles in your spare time.
12. In objective type of questions, method of elimination of options may work to your advantage in many questions. Using dimensional analysis, putting boundary conditions, putting values of variables, working backwards and many more techniques may work in such scenario.
4.Students find JEE sums very difficult at the start because of the lack of clarity in the underlying concepts. And, believe me, to master concepts for IIT-JEE, is not easy. A sincere effort coupled with
motivation and enduring dedication will guarantee you a seat in the IIT?s.When should one start preparing?
Ideally, one should begin as soon as the 11th standard begins. For ICSE/CBSE students, few chapters in the IIT syllabus have already been covered at the school level.
Worst Case Scenario ? One may consider beginning fresh 6-8 months into 11th standard. You must be prepared to put in incessant, hard work for the next one and a half years. The earlier you begin, the more stress-free and comfortable you feel at the later stages.
How do I choose the correct coaching institute?
This is the career determining decision, and it is critical to choose the correct institute. Improper teaching confuses students and creates doubts.
Before joining an institute consider:
1. How old is the institute?
2. How many students have cleared the IIT-JEE in the recent past?
Ideally 40-50 is good. Also observe how may top rankers have they produced
3. How experienced is their faculty?
Senior professors communicate capably and explain nicely. However, they may be commercial. Young professors are dedicated but lack in-depth knowledge of concepts and student familiarity. A healthy student-teacher rapport is imperative.
4. What is the quality (difficulty level etc.) of their study material and problem files?
Uninterested institutes usually replicate sums from popular-market texts without any effort on their part. Hence, no variety in sums; also, the material is useless if you have the book yourself.
5. What is the frequency of their tests?
Preferably, one screening and mains each in a month is good. The habit of giving tests must be inculcated and cultivated ad infinitum which prepares the student from unnecessary tensions and anxieties on the big day!
6. When do they intend completing the syllabus?
Usually, 5-7 months before IIT-JEE Screening is just right. Lots of time must be kept for revision, mock tests and difficulty solving sessions. Late completion, usually make students uncomfortable especially with 12th boards fast approaching.
7. Fees I suppose should not be a problem. Don?t hesitate to invest a little extra for a good coaching institute because that?s what counts in the long run.
8. Beware of deceptive gimmicks. Corroborate by contacting present students in that institute.
Which books should I use?
There are infinite books available in the market. No book has all the concepts required for IIT-JEE in one package.
Physics: -
1. Fundamentals Of Physics ? Resnick, Halliday, Walker
Excellent book for preliminary understanding and concept application. Entirely narrative and interactive, this book is well liked among all aspirants.
2. Concepts Of Physics ? HC Verma
Concise, lucid and well-structured book. Good to begin problem solving, although it is of quite elementary level.
3. Problems In Physics ? IE Irodov
Tough problems is its forte. One must complete elementary Calculus to attempt problems from this book effectively. Students usually get the hang of this book in the 12th.
Chemistry: -
1. IIT Chemistry ? OP Aggarwal
Comprehensive, eloquent and its problems make this book a must for every candidate.
2. Organic Chemistry ? Morrison & Boyd
Probably, the best book available for IIT-JEE preparation available. Then again, selective reading of this ?Mahabharata? is decisive.
Maths: -
1. IIT Mathematics ? ML Khanna or Dasgupta
Great collection of problems. Maths is all about practice, and these books don?t disappoint.
2. Trigonometry / Co-Ordinate Geometry ? SL Loney
Concepts handled really well. Step-by-step approach is its strong suit.
3. Problems in Calculus in One Variable ? IA Maron
Not very impressive, but its lucid presentation, and tough problems make this book worth using. Remember, Calculus mastery is what will make you an IITian.
Are Correspondence Courses necessary?
FIITJEE and Brilliant Tutorials study material is not as impressive as a pure concepts textbook. They are good for extra practice. Basically, I consider them to be revision notes and coneept capsules, which are not to be used as the first line of attack for concepts. However, national level test series? are quite useful as they are the ultimate indicators of what your position is in the country.
Science Magazines like P,C,M today, Junior Science Refresher are excellent for new types of problems and considered a must for reference.
How do I prepare?
Don?t read books like novels or newspapers. A pencil in hand underlining keywords and new formulae is a must. The same chapter must be read over and over again (even 10 times) until the concepts are embedded into your brain. Casual reading amounts to not reading it at all, because you will forget practically everything in a week?s time.
It is very important to make things count at the groundwork and fundamentals, because a year later, it?s a fight for time. Attempt simple problems first. A good start is the school/college textbook. Once, mastery is captured on the basics, and then you should consider solving higher-level problems.
Never look at solved solutions until your completely unsure on how to go about the problem. Even a slight hunch on the approach may be enough to solve the problem, and you must be patient and constantly keep pondering till the flash strikes you.
Revision, say once every fortnight, is of fundamental importance. A brief reminder can bring back volumes of information that was rotting at the back of your head for a week or so.
Keep in touch with your lecturer constantly. Get your doubts cleared as and when you have them. Hanging on to misunderstandings may prove disastrous if the same concept is used in another chapter.
Only when you are completely familiar with a topic and have attempted all the available problems, must you consider taking a test. Tests are an important gauge. Bad marks in tests reflect imperfections or incomplete preparation. Remember, bad marks mean you have not prepared and do not reflect on your aptitude to solve problems. Even scholars and prodigies will not clear IIT-JEE if they don?t put in rawhard work. Genius is the ability to take pains.
How do I handle temperament?(Miscellaneous)
Nervousness is the single most influential aspect that can create a world of problems. Whenever you feel nervous, remember that all your competitors are feeling it too and that it?s perfectly normal.
Low scores in exams must be perceived positively. You now realize that I must start again more intelligently and stress on the concepts better. In the early part of your preparation, even getting 2-3 out of 10 problems correct is a good start. Never consider yourself mediocre because someone else in your class, or your friend is getting better marks and understanding better. It may be that he/she is doing something that you are not.
Time Management will allow you to study the requisite amount, sleep (7-8 hours is a must), commit to college and classes, as well as give you the odd occasion to go for movies and relax. Studying is first priority. Movies and dating will not get you into IIT. Avoid phone calls. Talking also consumes a lot of usable energy. Control TV time to maximum an hour a day. Relax by walking, listening to music or anything that does not stress your eyes or your brain. Physical exercise is fine.
Other factors like family support; everlasting resolve, teachers? guidance and emphasis on concepts also play a key role ultimately for yourselection.
5.Although it has been more than five years since I went thru the horrors of JEE, the entire phase of preparing and appearing in the dreaded exam is something I have not been able to shrug off from memory.
Well, JEE probably is one of the ’’Great Indian Middle Class’’ Aspiration Barriers and for people aware of the other side of the pasture,like yours truly, A Big Myth too.
But both ways, it’s an experience worth going thru.
For beginers, I will not elaborate on the fundamentals of the process, for that go to any IIT website and check it out yourself. On tackling the exam part, there have been few great reviews on this forum, one mentionably from my hostel senior@IIT M , Vyom.
What I am going to say is somewhat different:
1. The Exam: There have been a gradual change in the focus of the profs regarding the kind of intake they want. Hence, nowadays you have two papers (the high scoring objective one made ’’Screening Paper ’’, this again after reports that many times people scored much more in Objective than Subjective part in the combined paper that we used to have and hence the kind of application that the profs demanded was seen lacking). Even now, the Screening Paper has undergone a lot of change. I for one, saw my brothers paper and saw there were hardly any ’’ direct calculation’’ type questions and most questions must have forced people to scratch their heads.
The subjective ’’Mains’’ Exam too has been completely revamped. No more ’’Fruit’’ questions (the sitters in IIT lingo) which essentially eliminated non serious guys. Time management and speed ,big time key with around 20 Qs in 2 Hrs.
The Papers: Physics: I had gone thru my bro’s Mains paper (JEE 2003) and noticed a big time shift. There were Qs (and many in no) from topics junta hardly focussed. Lot of modern physics, Optics (esp Wave), EM theory; far away from conventional myth of Mechanics + Electricity = 60 % theory that most coaching classes employ. So one thing very clear, Yes, JEE Physics nowadays tests more of Width and Span of Preparation than the Depth of Application , gone are the days of 10 Qs in 3 Hrs when you slog to do 4-5 correctly and feel you?re safe. Now you need not do all of Irodov , however covering of width very important. The formula is Have Speed, Cover Everything and Do as much as Possible.
Chemistry : The dew and honey for many a top rankers, this subject is supposedly the easiest of lot and very scoring too. Even in new pattern, it still is, most crucial among them being those innumerable Reactions of Organic and Non-organic , mechanisms and simple reactions included. These cover about 40% weightage and cracking them is never very difficult. For gen preparation O P Agarwal and physical chemistry, R C Mukherjee is definitely helpful.
Mathematics: Presently the most difficult subject of the three. The reason is that profs have noticed people clearing JEE, and then in IIT doing horribly in Maths in first year and later in department courses. There has been a gradual recognition that this subject is what differentiates an IIT?ian from any other Engineering Graduate and hence over the years Maths has grown in difficulty level and Physics has become easier. Again, I feel most crucial are Calculus and Co-ordinate Geometry, most difficult as well as scoring and still covers more than 60% of the paper.
All said and done, the basic rules still apply:
1. Move over to the next question within 2 mins if you haven?t formulated more than one equation in the problem.
2. The paper will still consist 20% Easy, 60% Medium Difficult and 20% Very Difficult problems. Make sure you identify and do the 20% easy part in initial half an hour.
3. Read the problem atleast twice before attempting it, there will mostly be one or two catch words which will entirely differentiate the problem from the example you solved the day before.
4. Very Very important, have a good nights sleep the day before exam.
But both ways, it’s an experience worth going thru.
For beginers, I will not elaborate on the fundamentals of the process, for that go to any IIT website and check it out yourself. On tackling the exam part, there have been few great reviews on this forum, one mentionably from my hostel senior@IIT M , Vyom.
What I am going to say is somewhat different:
1. The Exam: There have been a gradual change in the focus of the profs regarding the kind of intake they want. Hence, nowadays you have two papers (the high scoring objective one made ’’Screening Paper ’’, this again after reports that many times people scored much more in Objective than Subjective part in the combined paper that we used to have and hence the kind of application that the profs demanded was seen lacking). Even now, the Screening Paper has undergone a lot of change. I for one, saw my brothers paper and saw there were hardly any ’’ direct calculation’’ type questions and most questions must have forced people to scratch their heads.
The subjective ’’Mains’’ Exam too has been completely revamped. No more ’’Fruit’’ questions (the sitters in IIT lingo) which essentially eliminated non serious guys. Time management and speed ,big time key with around 20 Qs in 2 Hrs.
The Papers: Physics: I had gone thru my bro’s Mains paper (JEE 2003) and noticed a big time shift. There were Qs (and many in no) from topics junta hardly focussed. Lot of modern physics, Optics (esp Wave), EM theory; far away from conventional myth of Mechanics + Electricity = 60 % theory that most coaching classes employ. So one thing very clear, Yes, JEE Physics nowadays tests more of Width and Span of Preparation than the Depth of Application , gone are the days of 10 Qs in 3 Hrs when you slog to do 4-5 correctly and feel you?re safe. Now you need not do all of Irodov , however covering of width very important. The formula is Have Speed, Cover Everything and Do as much as Possible.
Chemistry : The dew and honey for many a top rankers, this subject is supposedly the easiest of lot and very scoring too. Even in new pattern, it still is, most crucial among them being those innumerable Reactions of Organic and Non-organic , mechanisms and simple reactions included. These cover about 40% weightage and cracking them is never very difficult. For gen preparation O P Agarwal and physical chemistry, R C Mukherjee is definitely helpful.
Mathematics: Presently the most difficult subject of the three. The reason is that profs have noticed people clearing JEE, and then in IIT doing horribly in Maths in first year and later in department courses. There has been a gradual recognition that this subject is what differentiates an IIT?ian from any other Engineering Graduate and hence over the years Maths has grown in difficulty level and Physics has become easier. Again, I feel most crucial are Calculus and Co-ordinate Geometry, most difficult as well as scoring and still covers more than 60% of the paper.
All said and done, the basic rules still apply:
1. Move over to the next question within 2 mins if you haven?t formulated more than one equation in the problem.
2. The paper will still consist 20% Easy, 60% Medium Difficult and 20% Very Difficult problems. Make sure you identify and do the 20% easy part in initial half an hour.
3. Read the problem atleast twice before attempting it, there will mostly be one or two catch words which will entirely differentiate the problem from the example you solved the day before.
4. Very Very important, have a good nights sleep the day before exam.
5.The words of a Xth standard guy, planning IITJEE preperation early.... ... 233-1.html
Hello friends,
I am in X standard and am preparing for IIT. I will share my experiences at Achievers Academy, in Bombay, (Chembur, dadar, nerul) which I have joined from IXth itself. The class
is run by an IITian, who has over 20 years of teaching experience.
Before joining the class, all students were told the methodology which the academy will use to prepare them for the IIT-JEE. They also shared some tips which are given below :
* At the start of IX, we have about 48 months left, which is just about 15000 hours using abt 10 hours a day. This time has to be optimized very well to extract the best results.
* Those who start after X have a tough time, since they have to adjust for college in XI , and then study for XII etc
* Hence, start early, target practice of atleast 1.5 hours every day in IX and X.
* Solve as many different variety of problems, both objective and written type. Question banks with more than 30000 problems will be provided by the class.
* Take frequent tests and ensure that whatever are the weak areas are covered quickly and in depth. Interact with other students and solve each others problems, that will help in better understanding.
* Always solve each problem by clearly writing down what is given, what is required, what are the possible options and finally solving it.
* Systematic and daily practice is a must, sporadic problem solving will not be rewarded.
In the class, each topic was covered in depth, examples from real life were included, connections between maths, physics and chemistry were explained, 1000s of problems are given for practice. I solved all of them. Till 8th, i was mediocre in maths and science, now i help my teacher in solving Group D problems as well.
From XI, we will be spending 3-4 hours a day, everyday for furthur practice.
Since our problem solving and analytical abilities have developed considerably, we find the going for X very easy. We have students from SSC, CBSE and ICSE boards and healthy competition between us have improved our ablities furthur. We are even able to solve problems from XI papers easily.
All in all, it has been a wonderful experience and very good for my board exams as well. Anybody who wants to know furthur can write to me here.
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Joint Entrance Examination
How to prepare for it..........
The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) which is annually organised by the seven Indian Institutes of Technology
(IITs)(Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee) is considered as one of the most fiercest competitive examination in India, and the toughest one at the school level, with a success rate of about 2% ( only 3500 candidates out of 1.5 Lakhs get through). This essay, however tries to make this competitive exam look far easier than the way you think it is.
The Statistics.................
Although JEE is written by about 1.5 Lakh of candidates, it can be easily comprehended that the majority of them ( about 60%) are not having a preparation that can make it to the IITs. Most of them dream of getting into IITs as soon as they complete there class X board examinations, buy a hell lot of study materials ( thereby making the various coaching centres all over the country rich and increasing the GDP), and instead of studying, continue to dream for the next 2 years and in the end wait for a miracle to happen and finally fail to qualify even the screening test ( it is expected that those who are reading this report are well acquainted with the JEE format, if not check any IIT site for it).
Out of the remaining 60000 candidates, 40 thousand guys ( and ofcourse girls) who write the JEE, try hard for the exam but in the end cannot reach the desired level of JEE understanding because of they lack one of the following two, viz merit or hardwork.
The final 20000 candidates are actually the real competitors for JEE. This people work hard through out the two years and write the JEE with full confidence.
Clearing the Screening Test...............
Hence it can be well understood that the JEE Screening Test has a success percentage of 75% ( 15000 out of 20000) and your first target is to be among this top 75%. However, keep in mind that screening test is only the first hurdle. For JEE Screening Test keep the following in mind :
It is common among all the students to practice an enormous quantity of multiple choice questions (mcqs) throughout the year. This is however a wrong way to do it. This is because, the mcqs that are present in most of the study materials and magazines do not reflect the exact nature of mcqs that appear in the Screening Paper.
Hence this mcq helps a student in no way. Your first job will be to keep away from this practice. JEE Screening test demands clarity of each and every concept. Hence, from the beginning of the year, try to assimilate the theory of each and every chapter given in the JEE syllabus ( JEE syllabus is available at or or at JEE sites at other IITs). One month before the screening test, get hold of each and every formula you know, so that if you are not clear with the concept you can still reach the answer with a derived formula. Also get hold of a few good practice screening papers (old JEE papers can be a good choice) and attempt those tests in strict examination conditions* keeping time. This actually helps you simulate the JEE Screening Test and helps you learn the aspects of time management.
During my study for JEE, I came across the test papers of two coaching centres which i felt are ideal for JEE. Since it is not wise to quote their name here, you can mail me.
The final hurdle ? Main Examination................
About one month after the screening test comes the JEE Main Examination, where all the 15000 candidates selected in JEE Screening Tests fight with their maximum power. Hence this is the ultimate challenge. The key to success in JEE Mains is extensive practice of subjective problems. You will have to excel your self at pattern recognition along with developing the concepts. Between the Screening and Mains, practice lots of subjective problems available in the books. Time management is also important. If you have not subscribed for any test series programme (and even if you have done so) you must practice a lot of test papers at home simulating the JEE day. In the end of the report I have provided a list of books which I myself consider important for JEE preparation. You are advised to practice problems from these books. Please donot go in for absurd problems as they are never asked in JEE. Also JEE problems do not require a 3 page long solution, so if you are next to recreating the Mahabharata, you can surely guess that your solution is wrong.
JEE mains nowadays give limited place for working out the solutions ( 1 page for 2 marks and 2 page for 4 marks questions). Hence work on this aspects of space management.
Books required for JEE preparation..........
The most important book required for JEE is your board books, as if you are not conversant with the theory you stand no chance. After practicing the problems from your board books, move on to the next level. For some books the names of the authors are mentioned.
Standard JEE books (contains questions similar to JEE standards ? do all the problems)
Physics : Concepts of Physics (Part 1 and 2)
Chemistry : P. Bahadur(Physical Chemistry) , R.K.Gupta(Organic and Inorganic)
Mathematics : IIT Plus Mathematics ? A.Dasgupta.
Advanced JEE books (questions are a bit higher than JEE standards - do selected problems ? take help of your mentor/teacher)
Physics : Problems in General Physics ? I.E.Irodov.
Chemistry : IIT Chemistry - Tata McGraw Hill.
Mathematics : Complete Course IIT Mathematics - Tata McGraw Hill.
For theory you can go through Resnick-Halliday in Physics, Morrison-Boyd in Organic Chemistry, and O.P.Tandon in Inorganic Chemistry.
The changing trend in JEE.....................
From the year 2002, a changing pattern of JEE can be observed. JEE papers which was once dreaded as the toughest papers set in school level, consisting of incomprehendable questions, is seeming to undergoing some reform as the level of the questions has been simplified. Questions now demand only basic concepts and no problems require extended B.Sc. Level knowledge. JEE can be now cleared by studying school level books. It is extremely encouraging that IITs have finally understood the way JEE has changed the way of school studies and are in a way of reforming it.
First of all let me tell you that I am not an IITian but am preparing for 2005-JEE. This might not exactly be a success mantra but it’s a first hand account of things I find imperative.Numero Uno-
First and foremost U need to be motivated. Forced hard-work might work in Xth & XIIth but surely not in IIT-JEE. How to get motivated? Find Ur mantra Urself - I for one read IIT-JEE reviews on Mouthshut every week to get pumped up (sounds silly? isn’t). U may talk to studious friends or teachers or parents, whatever works for U is just fine.
Read the standard recommended books but make sure U don’t get into too many books simultaneously. Be a touch selective here.
Plan Ur studies - easier said than done. Make daily and weekly targets according to Ur plan as to when U want to complete the course material and start doing mock papers. Ideally leave 3-4 months for paper solving.
Miscellaneous points-
+ Be absolutely thorough with concepts. Don’t move forward unless U feel U’ve got it perfectly right. Take help in this regard from teachers.
+ Solve lots (and I mean LOTS) of papers in exam conditions. A lot of aspirants don’t find this important and then face problems like leaving solvable (by them) questions and unfamiliarity with the pattern.
+ Don’t neglect Ur strengths. Work on Ur weaknesses alright but prepare some topics in each subject so well that U can solve almost any question from them.
+ Revision is indispensable, considering the large syllabus. Make sure U revise every topic sufficiently.
Controversial topic this. I personally am not taking coaching apart from Brilliant’s correspondence course ( but that’s more of a compulsion than a choice as there’s no good coaching centre anywhere near I live). I belive If U have access to a good institute, then do go in for coaching but many aspirants succeed without coaching as well. But, It requires meticulous planning and a hell lot of hard work.
Trend of JEE-
JEE is surely changing - Physics is getting a touch easier and maths tougher. This is easy to notice in last few years’ papers. And yes, Mechanics is no longer half the physics paper. Give special attention to important topics like Calculus, Co-Ordinate Geometry, Organic Chem., Modern Physics etc.
Forget TV, Cricket, Hanging out etc. until the paper. Trust me, It’s worth it. Have faith in U’rself. Negative thoughts will cross Ur mind but don’t heed to them. And yes-
6.You must have seen the latest papers of jee .Its getting on the simpler side.Let us assume that only 15000 students are effectively in the fight for these precious 3000 seats.
So, when the papersare getting simpler, still why do 12,000 people fail every year. Also those 12,000 could had solved most of the questions at home but the fact remains that they couldn’t helped themselves on the D-day. Here, I will try to enlighten some of the points which may help you not to be in that pity 12,000 lot . Good luck.
The foremost important thing that you have to do is to visualize how it feels after you are across the jee hurdle. Think , how your family will react hearing that their son has been qualified in the world’s most difficult entrance. Imagine, you will be the icon for most of the students in your relatives and neighbours. Everybody will praise you. Your success depends on this very exam, so you ought to work your as* for this.
But there is other side of the coin.Some students may feel pressurized and burdened by thinking all these crap. So, for those I would just say that IIT is nothing but a mere building of stones , in which some damn profs are eager to harass the students. Tell me how many successful IITians do you know? Or how many successful people are iitians.A little rumination isn’t going to help you. IIT is not a heaven , not at all.
This is a kind of phase that occurs in everybody life and you are no exception.
But,you have to give jee because you really don’t have any other option.Your parents, teachers,neighbours, the entire society and maybe somewhere down the line you yourself wants to be in IIT , but who the hell cares if I couldn’t make it. There’s nothing to lose. The juice is worth the squeeze, so it’s better to choose the easier road ie to prepare without thinking too much what IIT and its success is all about. And if I am giving it a try then why not whole heartedly?
Many students are often confused of setting up their priorities.
One simple exercise to set up your own priorities is to ask just a simple question ’’ Is it going me to land in IIT”’’ or “Which of these two things will help me getting closer to IIT?” You will wonder that how such a simple question works and you will yourself do the important topics first than anything else.
Now let me tackle the parents issue. These are the species who can stimulate you or even have worse effects on you. So, I would advice not to take your parent’s comments seriously ( please don’t take me wrong).I mean our parents love us and they want our success. But sometimes they say some things which really disturbs us(BETA PAD LE, NAHIN TO IIT NAHI HOGI or your mom to your neighbour IIT ME JANA TO BAHUT HI MUSHKIL HAI, 2 LAAKH ME SE 2-3 HAZAAR LOG HI JAATE HAIN, neighbour-PHIR TO IIT ME JAANA PAHAD CHADNE KE SAMAN HAI)
What I am trying to say is that, actually your parents are proud of the fact that you are preparing for the jee , but they worry about your failure. They unintentionally create a doubt in your mind and it acts as a poison. And some other parents praise their child in front of everybody.You might develop a sort of complacent feeling about yourself by hearing all these things. So, it’s better to hear and let it pass from the other side, atleast about studies for these two years. I hope you understand me.
I know that many people will think that I am trying to delude this point upon them. But I can’t help myself saying this. Well, I think that you should better stay quite. You shouldn’t discuss (questions and related things) too much with your friends.(Yaar yahan koi ek dusre ki baat sunne ko tyaar nahi hai).Tell me honestly,that when you explain something to your friend (or your friend to u), you both are trying to show that you knows the best.(your friend to u--- tujhe itni chhoti si cheese bhi nahi pata).
The real effect of doing so is that both of you are harming each other.This creates insecurity and dissatisfaction in you.You may begin to think that your friend knows better than you and you have to mend your ways(or revise the topic again).Indeed, I believe that you should talk something else (atleast not studies)with your friends(may be about fashion,,your hair cut, or girlfriends).Remember that you are going to gain nothing from discussions.(YOU KNOWS THE BEST).If you have a problem, try to figure it out yourself by trying it again and again or maybe ask the teacher or do the best thing….just leave it.
So, indeed solitude is a better thing to bet upon.
I would also like to state that there is nothing really big to worry about even if you have not done the syllabus well.Actually iitjee is half studies and remaining half “Temperament test”.So feel confident even if you haven’t done 20-30% syllabus(or say inorganic chemistry).But that doesnt mean that you have to try for 70%(I am now more concerned about the last time preparations ,say only 1 week is remaining).Actually You have to give your best on the actual day and that’s possible only if you are cool and are not nervous.
To choose questions in paper have a look at 3-4 Qs and ask yourself “which one is best to ensure your selection” A voice will come from inside and you will select the right question. Finally focus on one question at a time and don’t ever get discouraged if you are not able to do a question which you have solved previously at home.It happens in these kind of exams but the best part is, it happens with everybody.
In the initial period of 40 min(in 2 hrs of paper) if you survived(survival means that you selected right ones for yourself) then in the last half an hour or so you will feel immense energy and you can even solve a few difficult questions
Take one example:-you may have given any mock test.Now think seriously, how many marks you could have scored, if you would have done only the easy questions from the topics you know and wouldn’t have wasted your valuable time and energy on the so called vague Qs.
There are some Qs which nobody can solve in exam(I mean in EXAM) You can yourself see by looking the previous year’s papers.(especially chemistry).If you are not able to solve such few ques, then please don’t think that you are not prepared with the topic,actually you are having no problem but the problem is with the question itself. So, be careful and have confidence in yourself.
CONCLUSION---- Nobody in this world knows that what is right or wrong for you, no one can make a success plan for you, I mean JUST NOBODY IS GOING TO HELP YOU, instead of one person that is right now sitting in front of this computer finding out ways to succeed in iitjee, right it’s YOU my friend.
Now think who can do better---
a friend of you who have done 90% syllabus but worry about remaining 10% (yaar mene matrices achhi tarah nahin kiya,pata nahin ac circuit kya Q kaise hoga, inorganic yaad nahin ki)and on the exam day trying to do all of the paper(i mean attempting) do a lot of silly mistakes(beware ….. there are no silly mistakes, they are just blunders)
You , who haven’t done any great things but take exam as a platform where you can show, who you are and do the questions from the topics you have done but CORRECTLY.
Think over this
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